If you are thinking about setting up a limited company, you might be surprised to find out that you can incorporate a new company for only £12.99 with our partner 1st Formations. Here, we look at how incorporation costs vary according to the formations service you choose, together with additional costs you may incur.

Although many people think that forming a company must be an expensive and arduous process, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, although running a company does involve more administration, and directors have more statutory responsibilities than the self-employed, running a company is neither an expensive nor a burdensome task for most.
Set up a company – using an intermediary
The easiest way to set up a company is using an intermediary to form the company on your behalf – a formations agent. There are hundreds of firms offering this service in the UK charging up to £100 or more.
Our company formation partner 1st Formations are offering limited company formations for only £12.99.
Register your limited company with 1st Formations.
Sometimes a formations agent will form the company at a loss if you sign up for a bank account or other service. In our view, it is always best to set up your company as a one-off task and consider which bank is best for your business separately.
Other professionals such as accountants will often take care of the formations process on your behalf if you sign up for their accountancy services.
Running a company – ongoing costs
Alongside the minimal initial costs of incorporating, there are other events which may incur a fee.
Every company has to submit an Annual Return (AR01) on the anniversary of their incorporation. This provides Companies House with a snapshot of each company on that date. It includes details of the company, its directors, and shareholders. The costs for electronic submission is £13, and by means of discouraging postal submissions, a paper return costs £40.
If you want to change your company name, Companies House charges £8 to file, or £30 for the same-day service.
For a complete list of all Companies House charges, for less common events, click here.
Other costs
In addition to these event-driving costs, all companies will have additional variable administration costs, including accountancy fees, and any penalties which may apply for late submission of accounts or forms.
More on business expenses and limited company formation for small business owners.
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