Information technology is a vital part of any business and it should be treated as a high priority when it comes to protecting it. Issues such as cyber-attacks, viruses and server damage can be a serious issue for any business that has IT infrastructure on site.

It’s essential that you are able to understand the different factors that can result in the loss of data for your business. This type of data loss can also result in a loss of productivity. Many businesses do not realise the vital importance of good backups until it is too late. A business can survive if data survives. You can replace your entire business – computers, services, equipment, buildings, and even employees, but you can’t recreate lost data without a strong backup strategy and properly working backups. For this reason, IT consultants Computer Geeks recommend taking backups and cyber security very seriously. When creating your backup strategy, you must consider all the potential threats to your data and prepare for the worst.
So, what are the four top standard technology issues that are hurting your business?
Failures of software or hardware
If there is an issue with the software or hardware that a business uses it can have a serious effect on the ease with which employees can access files. This can be damaging to the productivity of the business.
It’s important that you have a strategic plan in place, to ensure that your business is protected if this type of problem occurs. If you have an effective plan in place, a fail-over should be able to happen straight away, enabling your business to continue operating as it normally does. This type of plan should also enable your business to restore affected data, and continue with production, within a matter of minutes.
Datacentre environment
It’s all too easy for a business to house a server room in an environment, which is completely unsuitable. You need to think about the temperature in the room where servers are kept, and whether there are any potential water hazards close by, such as pipes that could leak. If temperatures become too high, or water leaks, your servers could be seriously damaged.
You need to have a disaster recovery plan in place, in case this sort of incident occurs. This should include the ability to recover your data offsite, if necessary. Having this type of plan reduces the amount of downtime your business is likely to suffer should an emergency happen.
Natural disasters
You never know when nature is going to strike, in the form of a flood or strong winds. This type of natural happening can cause serious damage to the IT infrastructure of your business. This type of disaster can result in you not being able to access data and deliver products and services, in your own country and across the globe. It has a serious knock-on effect.
There have been cases where businesses have suffered this type of incident and have never been able to recover because they did not have a disaster recovery plan in place. This could be the consequence for your business if you have not developed a plan.
You need to make sure that you have a solid plan which enables you to access your data, in a separate geographical location if necessary. This means that you should be able to continue with business as usual, with twenty-four hours of the disaster happening.
Security breaches
You should never underestimate the damage that can be caused by a security breach. This type of breach can be caused by anything from hackers to viruses and the result can be the breaching of secure data and the loss of productivity.
No matter what size of business you have, you could be a target for hackers. You can imagine how serious this issue is when you think about how much employee and customer data is stored on your systems.
This is why it’s so important to protect your business against this type of attack. This protection includes making sure that your firewall and security is up to date.
If any of these issues occur, they can cause problems for your business. You need to ensure that the IT infrastructure is analysed, to check for any potential weaknesses. You also need to make sure that you have a strategy in place so that your business can continue operating if disaster strikes.
How does Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR) work?
As a simple explanation, BDR is a solution that ensures your data is backed up and that you have a plan in place, should a disaster ever happen. It means that your business is protected against data loss and that the uptime of the business is ensured as much as possible. Having a BDR plan in place is a protection mechanism for your business.
More on business data and having a contingency plan.
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