Millennial employees in your workforce are individuals who were born between 1980 and 2000. Unlike the Baby Boomers and the Gen-Xers, this youthful generation has developed unique work characteristics such as adoring parents, contact with diverse people, and structured lives. They work well with diverse co-workers, are used to working in teams, want to make friends with people at work, and have a can-do attitude. They seek leadership from their managerial staff but expect their ideas to be valued and used.
working hours
Remote working has become the latest trend in employment. It has become so popular due to the multiple benefits it offers for both the individual and the business. Working from home may be a dream for many individuals so offering this option to your employees can be incredibly valuable for the company too. From previous statistics gathered by the Office of National Statistics, it was predicted that half of the UK forces would be working remotely by 2020. This number is huge and 2020 is fast approaching. Therefore, small businesses should look into allowing their staff to work remotely as soon as possible.
Hiring young people can be very beneficial for small business owners that have a heavy workload and small budget. You can take on young people through various programmes; you may wish to offer a week’s work experience, a three-month internship or even longer apprenticeships. When it comes to taking on young people as employees, you will need to make sure that you are fully compliant with the employment law. Seek the advice of an HR professional, if you don’t have an in-house HR team/department.
Running a small business is by no means an easy feat. It requires so much from one person whether it’s emotional intelligence, being able to effectively manage and lead a team, or passion that will help you get back up after setbacks and failure. Naturally, you will have a heavy workload as a small business owner. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you manage it effectively in order to make yourself and your business a success.
Becoming a married couple transforms relationships into a formal partnership intended to be something that will help us in carrying out the rest of our lives. However, when it comes down to business within that partnership, many couples have split opinions. Starting a business with your spouse is either the best decision spouses ever make or something that they firmly regret.