Scott McGohan, CEO at McGohan Brabender, claims that the lack of communication is every company’s major challenge. Effective workplace interaction is possible as long as productive staff members are in their proper places. Besides, small organisations usually feature unstable internal structure (at the beginning of growth), lack of cash and resources.
team player
Employees are the backbone of working institutions. It is therefore important to maintain a good relationship with them. As humans, we want appreciation and to be recognised for our achievements. Lack of this can demoralise us from putting in the effort. We advise employers to drop their ego and create a good relationship with their employees by showing their appreciation.
Having a good working environment and invoking team spirit in your staff will allow you to have a more successful business and a strong team. Teamwork and being a team player is becoming increasingly important as working with others can produce better results and ideas to innovate businesses.
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