Often when you read advice online about the best ways to undertake consumer research and where to look for insights, suggestions hinge heavily on paid tools. But if you’re working with a small budget from the get-go, being advised to add several monthly subscriptions to your overheads probably isn’t feasible.
social media
In today’s modern world, the humble business card is an oft-forgotten marketing tool. With almost two-thirds of the world now connected by smartphones, it seems sensible to consider the days of business cards numbered, but is this really the case?
It has undoubtedly been a difficult few years for the UK high street with many shops closing and the loss of big-name brands. And with major retailers reporting disappointing sales figures over Christmas 2018 there may be more to come.
It is undeniable that social media has become the most powerful digital marketing tool in the 21st century, clear from how digital strategists and content marketers rely on it. Social media has attained a wide usage from all over the world, capturing both the young and old. In an era where the most significant percentage of the world is tech-savvy, it is necessary to keep abreast with tips and techniques that give you a competitive edge over other people, particularly in matters of running a successful business.
The most important question that a business owner needs to ask themselves is ‘what internet speed do I need for my business?’ but more often than not, they don’t really understand what internet speeds mean in the first place.
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As a new business, breaking into the market and encouraging people to buy your products can be a daunting task, yet it is your business’s only lifeline to success. How you approach your sales is vital when it comes to making your business a success, but is this the only thing you should be focusing on?
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Millennial employees in your workforce are individuals who were born between 1980 and 2000. Unlike the Baby Boomers and the Gen-Xers, this youthful generation has developed unique work characteristics such as adoring parents, contact with diverse people, and structured lives. They work well with diverse co-workers, are used to working in teams, want to make friends with people at work, and have a can-do attitude. They seek leadership from their managerial staff but expect their ideas to be valued and used.
A business needs to increase its customers in order to grow. One of the most obvious ways to do this is through advertising. But advertising comes at a cost and doesn’t always guarantee results. With that risk in mind, is there such a thing as free advertising and can you use it to grow your business?
When small businesses become stable they should consider looking beyond their border to grow their business. Business growth is incredibly important and the lack of it can leave small businesses stagnant leading to failure. One way to grow a business is by taking it international and catering to customers across the world. It may seem daunting leaving the security of what you know, however, it can be a worthwhile challenge. There are multiple ways in which you can appeal to customers all over the world.
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With all the difficulties of setting up a business in the first place and with how saturated the market is, you’re certainly busy as a business owner. But you can’t be too busy to think about the future, set up a plan for your business, and figure out how to grow your business this year.
Nobody starts a business today without having a proper digital marketing strategy in place. This is because digital marketing now needs to be at the centre of any marketing strategy for all businesses, whatever the size. If you are in the initial stages of starting a business you probably have a tight budget and a small group of employees. You therefore need a proper plan in order for your startup to grow as fast as it should.
Every small business needs to do some marketing to succeed, and at the foundation of effective marketing is great content. Hence, “content marketing” has become a thing — a really big thing. There are huge benefits of content marketing which still go unnoticed by small businesses.
The name of a business combined with the business brand make up a company’s identity. Picking the right name for your small business can be challenging because having the perfect name can actually effect your chances of succeeding. You need to find a name that is unique, easy to remember, easy to spell, that represents your business and can actually be trademarked. There are a lot of things to consider, so picking a name for your business can be a daunting process.
The word millennial seems to be on everyone’s lips and in most news headlines, but who are they and why do they matter? The age bracket for millennials, also referred to as Generation Y, stretches from those born between 1981 and 1996. Meaning that numerous potential consumers fall into this classification, making it a generation worth targeting.
As a small business owner, you know the only thing that’s certain in business is that the unexpected will happen. Preparing for these unexpected events is therefore one of the most crucial parts of your role as business owner. After all, no one else is going to help you anticipate the challenges you will face in the course of doing business, and some of your competitors might even be hoping that you don’t anticipate them so your business will fail.
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If you enjoy photography and have a good eye for architectural details, you may be a good candidate to start your own business as a real estate photographer. Photography has never been more important to selling real estate than it is today. High-quality images on websites, apps, and virtual tours are the primary way that people decide which houses to include in their search.
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Your company is never going to be successful unless you’re able to generate a steady revenue. For many businesses, it can be difficult to branch out and find more customers. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to boost your company’s sales. By making a few switches, you’ll have an easier time luring in customers and convincing them to buy your goods and services. Tips for doing just that will be explored in more depth below.
It is actually quite easy to reduce your business’ carbon footprint significantly. A few simple changes in the office don’t have to cost the earth to implement; it may take some getting used to but change is good for us all. Of course, you can seriously invest in cutting your business’ effect on the environment, which may seem expensive for the initial outlay but actually will save you money in the long term and more importantly reduce your environmental impact. Here are some ways given by Emma Evans from My Power on how to make your small business eco-friendly.
The positive effect of having an online presence and being on multiple different social media platforms cannot be denied. Yet, a majority of SME’s are not taking the advantage of using social media to drive sales for their small businesses. Social media is a cost-effective way of effectively marketing your business, and the presence online is an absolute must in the present day.
It’s no secret that half of the start-ups started in the UK fail within the first five years of operating. Small businesses should consider surpassing the five year mark as a real accomplishment, as that is the point they are out of the danger zone. So, what are the reasons behind the failure of these start-ups?
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