In a small business, it can be exciting when work is overflowing. Busy times are usually indicative of success and growth. Working around the clock to ensure your business’s success can be rewarding and exhausting. So how do you know when it’s time to hire someone new? If you’re turning down work, that’s a solid sign that you do need some help in the office. However, every business will grow differently. It’s important to consider all your needs before taking on a new employee.
small business
Franchising is an excellent way for individuals to start a business while benefiting from support, training and branding from a larger, more experienced company. The 2018 British Franchise Association (BFA) Natwest franchise survey highlighted a sharp rise in under-30s starting franchises and a high rate of female entrepreneurship.
Readers Question: Just completed my first “job” as an LTD company, providing professional services. The work was done over a 4 month period in New Zealand and my invoice was submitted to a 3rd party UK agency, net of 15% New Zealand tax. How do I go about proving to HMRC that tax has been deducted and also how to pay the balance of 4% tax owing?
It is undeniable that social media has become the most powerful digital marketing tool in the 21st century, clear from how digital strategists and content marketers rely on it. Social media has attained a wide usage from all over the world, capturing both the young and old. In an era where the most significant percentage of the world is tech-savvy, it is necessary to keep abreast with tips and techniques that give you a competitive edge over other people, particularly in matters of running a successful business.
If you search for health and safety procedures online, it looks like an absolute minefield. In reality, it is pretty easy to get to grips with. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is a piece of legislation and guidelines put into place to protect your employees, customers, visitors to your premises and you from harm.
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Poor training has been touted to be one of the main reasons for the high turnover among employees. Many businesses continue to invest in legacy training techniques like classroom coaching and PowerPoint-based training methods that are not only extremely theoretical but also do not help with retention.
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Readers’ question: I am a shareholder in a limited company and receive dividends as payment each month. I am being taxed by the company at 20% as corporation tax before they pay the dividend and then paying up to 32.5% tax as I am a higher bracket taxpayer. So, on the majority of the dividend, I am paying 52.5% tax – is this correct?
Moving into a new office is an exciting time – you might be moving into your first office space and preparing to launch your business. Or, your company may have grown and so you’re now looking to change locations and find a larger office space. However, moving offices can also be stressful and there are a lot of things to consider when planning an office move.
As the bells and fireworks signal the dawn of another new year, we feel just enough optimism to make ambitious resolutions that, while well-intentioned, are often ditched come February. Rather than recommending you neglect Netflix in favour of a gym membership or swap your weekend (and evening) drinks for kale smoothies, I’d instead like to give you five reasons why 2019 is the year you should crowdfund your business.
The impact that mobile apps have had on e-commerce is noticeable almost instantly. Consider all of the companies that have successfully built a niche for themselves by creating engaging mobile apps. The success of those apps and the companies they empowered is sure to change the world of online retail.
The most important question that a business owner needs to ask themselves is ‘what internet speed do I need for my business?’ but more often than not, they don’t really understand what internet speeds mean in the first place.
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As a new business, breaking into the market and encouraging people to buy your products can be a daunting task, yet it is your business’s only lifeline to success. How you approach your sales is vital when it comes to making your business a success, but is this the only thing you should be focusing on?
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Regardless of whether you are an employee or a self-made entrepreneur, in order to work efficiently, you need to be able to focus. This word is essential for doing any kind of work but staying focused is often difficult as there can be so many distractions in the workplace. In order to tackle this issue, both employers and employees are constantly on the lookout for methods to make the workplace more private.
The UK experiences shockingly low employee engagement levels, which is impacting productivity, worker morale, and staff turnover levels nationwide. Many businesses overlook this fact however both employer and employee suffer the consequences of this. Only around one-third of British employees say that they’re engaged with their work, and 66% of millennials feel they’ve chosen the wrong career.
In recent years, YouTube has become an increasingly important marketing tool for businesses. More and more marketers are taking note and increasing their use of YouTube in promoting their businesses. If you are not already using YouTube, you are definitely missing out. You know what they say, if your competitors are doing something, you should investigate and start doing it better. If you are already using YouTube, good job! Keep doing it and do it better than everyone else in your niche.
If you are thinking about getting a business valuation, you’re most likely weighing up the pros and cons of it. Getting a business valuation takes time, effort, and resources. So if you don’t need one, why would you go through it?
Online businesses are everywhere and search engines are a significant source of traffic for most of their websites. If you are running a small online business, then being ranked on Google should be your priority. Therefore, it’s recommended you opt for the right SEO plugins and tools for making sure that the search engine optimisation of your WordPress site is in order.
You’ve done the hard bit; you have a store that’s open and fully functioning. But, footfall isn’t coming in as quick as you’d like. It’s vital that you ensure customers have a great experience in your store. Consider all the factors below before you start wondering why your sales aren’t as high as you’d like.
Are you facing a busy period? Have all your customers paid you promptly? Are you looking to capitalise on new opportunities for 2019? If you answered yes to any of the above you could be missing funds to keep your books in the black. After forecasting sales and factoring in expenses, your business might be in need of a cash injection at short notice.
A pharmacy business can be lucrative and starting from scratch is one of the best ways to own one. However, establishing a pharmacy, even a small one is not an easy task, so it can be easier to buy an existing pharmacy if you find one for sale with potential growth. With so many laws, rules and regulations that you must adhere to before starting a pharmacy, buying an already existing pharmacy or franchise will make things simpler for you. However, starting your own profitable pharmacy business from scratch is possible and may be more satisfying than buying one.