To start a business whilst studying may seem incredibly daunting, you may feel like it’s not the right time or that you’re not ready. However, having access to your student resources could be hugely beneficial for starting up your business and to the success of it. So if you have a dream of starting your own business, then why wait around? Get started on building your future today.
self discipline
Working from home is an ideal situation for many, however, in some cases, it is simply not possible, for example, if you are a heart surgeon you can of course only really work at the hospital! Whether you are a home-based small business owner full time, or you balance your time between working from home and at the office, you will know there are many pros and cons of both.
[continue reading…]Being a business owner and being your own boss can be a dream come true for many people. Breaking free from the shackles that can come from traditional jobs, can seem liberating. However, there are challenges that self-employed face, whether they are freelancers, entrepreneurs or small business owners. Running your own business can be very challenging as it will push you to your limits and force you to take control and display leadership.