If you’re a business owner attempting to expand your brand and client base, millennials can be an attractive choice. It can be difficult to figure out how to start appealing to this new base. Even precise timelines for millennials are hard to pin down, but the general understanding is that the youngest of them are finishing college and the oldest are approaching 40 years of age. Thankfully, pinning down their tastes have been a bit easier than pinning down their age demographic.
The word millennial seems to be on everyone’s lips and in most news headlines, but who are they and why do they matter? The age bracket for millennials, also referred to as Generation Y, stretches from those born between 1981 and 1996. Meaning that numerous potential consumers fall into this classification, making it a generation worth targeting.
Every business would benefit from having more leads coming in and making more sales, and of course the best way to do this by improving your marketing. Too many businesses focus on one or two different marketing channels without ever thinking about what they could find elsewhere. So if you are interested in finding new outlets for sales, here Select Base give you four marketing methods that you should embrace in 2018.
Smartphones have become a necessity in today’s society, for some they have become an extension of the body. From waking you up in the morning with alarm apps to having a late night scroll through your social media. Small businesses need to take into consideration how much time people spend on their phones, especially shopping via smartphones.
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Millennials are the largest living population, and this group includes anyone born from 1981 to 1997. The generation has been widely misunderstood, and reports show that they are the most difficult demographic to engage. As millennials are such a huge part of society, it’s worth investing time to get to know them as prospective customers and perhaps tailor marketing strategies to suit their needs.
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Millennials are definitely making their way in the small business sector. In the 9th annual DNA of an entrepreneur report by Hiscox, one of the most encouraging findings from the report were on the positive outlook of millennials. The group dubbed the ‘most entrepreneurial’, could be paving the way for a brighter future for small businesses.