A leading figure in the interim management industry says that Roman Abramovic was wrong to call Rafa Benitez his ‘interim manager’ at Chelsea.
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interim manager
The latest Russam GMS survey shows that the demand for interim managers rose 3% last year, in spite of a flatlining economy.
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The latest figures from the IMA show that public sector interim management projects now account for over two thirds of all assignments – the highest level since before the credit crunch.
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Following the Government’s decision to abandon the ill-thought out ‘controlling persons’ proposals last week, perhaps the most relieved group of consultants are interims – who are often hired to influence board-level decision-making for end-clients.
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Despite the massive cost-cutting measures implemented by Government bodies over the past year, the demand for public sector IT contractors appears to have levelled out according to statistics derived from the leading IT jobs boards over the past year.
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The interim management industry is growing fast – one leading organisation suggests that it has doubled in just the last five years. So what do interims do, and how much can you earn as a contract interim manager?
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