When your business takes off, the initial high can quickly turn into a low as you scramble to meet demand and create more capital. Growing pains can be uncomfortable and can make successful small start-ups flounder. To successfully ride your initial wave of success, you need to be able to sustain your growth spurt without losing focus.
growing your business
Migrating to a new eCommerce platform is widely considered to be a costly and time-consuming practice that carries a significant level of risk when not carefully managed. It’s that fear of what could potentially go wrong—like lost sales or taking a hit to organic search rank—that hold merchants back from switching eCommerce platforms.
Moving into a new office is an exciting time – you might be moving into your first office space and preparing to launch your business. Or, your company may have grown and so you’re now looking to change locations and find a larger office space. However, moving offices can also be stressful and there are a lot of things to consider when planning an office move.
For many industries, outsourcing can mean big gains in terms of revenue and can help ease the burden of certain processes along the supply chain. In some cases, outsourcing can save your business big bucks, especially when it comes to labour costs. For example, in information technology, many companies have turned to India and the Middle East regions with highly skilled workforces, relatively weak job markets, and lower costs of living to meet the demand for apt workers who don’t cost as much as workers in the UK or other areas. And we probably don’t have to explain why many companies often look to China and other economies with more affordable labour standards for manufacturing.