In this article, we look at the services most accountancy firms can offer to small businesses – with particular reference to limited companies.
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While having fun may not be a mandatory prerequisite for succeeding in the business world, if you have fun performing vital tasks, you stand to receive a number of benefits. First of all, you’re bound to pay more attention to what you’re doing (instead of just dozing off in boredom), thus reducing the likelihood of a mistake being made. Second, you’re less likely to procrastinate and postpone handling this task, which means that you’re more likely to handle your tasks in time and regularly update them. Finally, if you like what you’re doing, you’ll learn a lot quicker, seeing as how you’ll already have a strong intrinsic motivation for such a thing.
Readers Question: I do fostering and am classed as self-employed and I have an accountant that deals with my accounts and also my personal allowances with the tax office. I am thinking of running a property business – buy to let and set up a limited company. Will I need a different accountant to deal with my small business company hence 2 accountants?
According to a recent survey, 49% of all nurseries in England do not make profits. This may come as a surprise to many parents who believe childcare costs are too high. Not only this, but a recent article by the National Day Nursery Association (NDNA) also stated that nurseries are now closing ahead of 30 hours due to low funding and wider business pressures.
Small business owners often make the mistake of believing HMRC only investigate the tax records of big players. Wrong. Last year HMRC were seen to be cracking down on tax avoidance and increased its investigations into smaller firms.
Choosing the right accountant for you and your small business is imperative. An accountant can be like a partner, a trusted colleague who will provide guidance, especially regarding taxes as they can be quite complicated. In order for your business to grow, you are going to need a good accountant to offer advice and give you facts about your finances.
Small businesses can really benefit from having accounting software to handle all the accounting of their business. It can make your business accounting secure, organised and hassle-free, allowing you to work on growing your business. When compared to manual accounting, accounting software provides clear advantages.
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Budgeting is a vital part of any businesses success. Actually documenting your budget is important to make a success of your business, or keeping your business afloat. You can think of it as a map, to see the direction of the business as well as the future, and without this map it will prove to be difficult.
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When you hire a new accountant for your business, you will typically agree an upfront fee to cover the wide array of tax and administrative tasks required to keep your books in order. Here we consider the typical tasks an accountant will provide.
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Although many specialist accountants have offered some type of online service to their clients in the past, the arrival of cloud computing in the past few years has revolutionised the web, and the way both small businesses and their accountants communicate.
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When you hire an accountant to take care of your limited company affairs, you need to formally authorise them to deal with HMRC on your behalf. This is achieved by filling in Form 64-8, or using the online client authorisation system.
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