A strong direct marketing strategy can often be found at the forefront of business-to-business marketing campaigns, helping companies to advertise their services toward their predefined audience and get ahead of their competitors through the use of popular mediums like email and telemarketing. However, with marketing techniques developing and becoming more advanced over the years, is direct marketing still the best way for B2B companies to advertise their services to their customer base?

Within the article below InFrontDigital will discuss the best online marketing strategies for small business-to-business companies, helping you to get the most out of your marketing efforts.
Email marketing
Email marketing has been a highly popular marketing strategy within business-to-business campaigns for many years, remaining one of the best approaches for B2B companies to take within their marketing efforts even today. There are a number of great third-party email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, that are purpose built to aid marketers with direct mail campaigns, providing their users with in-depth reports and analytics, full database management features, and even custom html templates.
Despite email marketing approaches still gaining great results for B2B companies, GDPR rules prevent marketers from obtaining recipient information without their permission, which can cause issues when creating detailed targeting lists. This can hinder the success of email marketing efforts in some cases, meaning marketers may look for opt in lists or other advertising approaches to best reach their target audience.
Social media marketing
B2B advertising across more business focused social platforms such as Facebook & LinkedIn has seen a great rise in both popularity & success over recent years, this development being attributed to such social sites improving their targeting capabilities and therefore the return on investment gained by marketers utilising their advertising features.
Remarketing on Facebook is great to capture users who have already been on your website but perhaps haven’t enquired yet. It’s a marketing strategy that has been seen to yield great results, providing marketers with an effective way to expand the online presence of their business, particularly when used alongside a strong Google Ads remarketing campaign. Social media marketing strategies such as these can provide advertisers with a great paid marketing option that will allow them to get in front of their target audience, as well as start seeing results from their efforts at a much quicker rate when compared to other strategies, such as search engine optimisation, that can take a long time to being showing results.
Custom audience targeting features found on the Facebook social platform align well with common direct marketing approaches, as marketers using the site’s features are able to upload email database lists to be used as audience lists within Facebook Ads, matching the provided email address to its user profile and subsequently showing your ads on the individual’s newsfeed.
While email marketing can still be considered a highly effective direct marketing strategy within business-to-business online marketing approaches, social media marketing across platforms such as Facebook has also proven highly successful within recent years, helping businesses to showcase their services to their target audience and stay ahead of competitors.
To conclude, small business-to-business companies should look to implement both of these online marketing strategies into their campaigns, providing them with the best way to reach their potential customers, as well as gain results from their efforts at a much quicker rate.
More on small business marekting and getting your business on to social media.
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