Employees don’t leave the company they leave their horrible bosses. A great number of employees like their job but their relationship with their boss makes it difficult for them to enjoy their job. A lot of employees start the year by looking for new jobs and this is because they want to leave their ‘horrible boss’ behind.

In a study conducted by Expert Market, 2,000 people were surveyed on their relationship with their job and their bosses. There were some dramatic results as one in ten people have imagined killing their boss, and the highest number (22%) of these employees come from the construction sector. The media industry comes second with 15% of employees also having gone to a dark place and imagined the homicide of their boss.
Over half of the respondents said that the reason behind being unhappy at work and hating their job was because of their bosses. The majority (73%) even think that they would be better at doing their bosses job. The unhappiest employees came from the retail sector, with a third reporting that they hated their jobs. They were closely followed by 27% of construction workers and 25% of public sector employees.
Hannah Whitfield, who headed up this research for Expert Market comments: “The average cost of hiring a new employee in the UK has been calculated at a whopping £25,181, and rises each year. Employees are said to leave bosses, not companies – so our survey paints a rather bleak picture for certain industries. If ‘horrible bosses’ don’t up their game, they could end up costing their companies thousands in hiring costs”.
Businesses spend a huge amount of money on recruiting, costing their businesses large sums of money which can be spent nurturing and growing their business. Bosses need to work on creating better relationships with their staff, especially by displaying emotional intelligence, and good leadership skills.
From the study, it was found that 20% of employees admitted to working extra four to six hours without being paid, and around one in ten reported to working seven to nine extra hours without pay. This leads to employees being overworked, underpaid and underappreciated, which leads to their level of job satisfaction to drop drastically.
By creating a bond with employees and showing appreciation, bosses can have a happy teams that are happy to give their time. Ensure that your staff feel appreciated and are well paid for their time and work.
More on motivating your staff and leadership skills.
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