When you are a smaller company than many that operate in your area, you want to make sure that you are still able to provide a high-quality service, without becoming overshadowed. It is not always the size of the company that matters to clients, but instead the way that business is run, and how valued an individual feels when they seek out certain goods or services. To help yourself get ahead, you want to open as many proverbial doors as possible, which can aid in both gaining customers, and help drum up repeat business.

Here, we look at a few ways on how to get ahead as a small business without having to invest a lot of money as told by North American Bancard.
Taking payments
Some small businesses may only take cash payments for their goods and services, but this could potentially be alienating a large number of the population who prefer to pay by a card or use a virtual means of payment. A small business that is willing to use a credit card machine on top of a traditional cash register may be able to conduct business with a wider array of clients. For small businesses, whose work takes place in clients’ homes, or elsewhere, it is possible to use a mobile unit, allowing for payments to be made dependent on where you are working. On top of this, you may also wish to consider setting up telephone and online bookings or ordering, to include those potential clients who prefer to conduct business with you in a non-physical manner.
Engaging with customers
The ways in which you speak to customers and engage with them can also help you to become known as a business that values those it serves. Something as simple as taking the time to make a little bit of small talk can help the client to feel more like an individual, rather than just another consumer. While this may be tricky, especially if you are quite busy, it is that personal touch that could determine whether a client uses your company or another. Trying to remember key details of repeat clients, such as events they told you about, or even illness, can also help to increase these feelings of importance in those you do business with.
Look at competitors
There is a big difference between winning clients and stealing them from other businesses. To keep yourself in good standing, it is best if you win clients legitimately, rather than trying to poach them. That being said, keeping an eye on the actions of your competitors can help you to figure out how they meet with success (which you could replicate), any shortfalls they have (that you can take steps to avoid), and even what direction they may next go in to grow their own company. This way, you can grow your own business and try to overcome any advantages that your competitors may have.
Looking at the different ways to get ahead doesn’t always mean spending excessive amounts of money to have the best tools or building. Instead, it is about finding ways to improve your services and become as authentic and inclusive as possible.
More on growing your small business and how to connect with your customers.
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