When it comes to working in a pleasant, progressive workplace, it really can come down to luck of the draw. Larger companies can afford to do more and have more benefits, where smaller businesses may occasionally struggle or not be able to manage things as well, for example. Below are four things that every business, no matter how big or small, should be doing to keep up with the modern day workforce.

Make everyone a part of the story
A company needs to offer more than just a steady paycheque these days. They want to see their own individual jobs moving the company forward and having an impact. Employers need to be made to feel like they are part of the story because it is a crucial method of keeping people inspired and engaged for the long run.
Business owners already believe in the brand itself (otherwise they wouldn’t have started the company), so be sure to demonstrate the story behind it across your social media channels. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram are useful for promoting campaigns, recruitments, success stories and individual superstars, helping the company to grow.
Encouragement and putting it to good use
Encourage employees to ask questions and take ownership of their work and projects in the workplace. Create an atmosphere where questions come from a strong feeling of wanting to grow and learn within the company. Businesses should be offering resources for workers – including regular training – to benefit careers and progression within the business. This doesn’t have to be all about successful things either: embrace failures as learning curves, all of this will help progress their careers forward.
Flexibility and freedom
It’s been said that a lot of employees have thought about become self-employed because they need that greater flexibility and freedom within their work place. And with the stress of balancing a family life with a demanding job, it’s no surprise. However, losing your staff is a bad idea if this is the reason they’re leaving…
Evolving and adapting to a modern workforce could be a step in the right direction, helping old and new employers with benefits including “being able to hold on to valuable staff, having a wider talent pool, reducing absenteeism, increasing commitment from employees and improving productivity”. Workplaces need to make accommodations for their employee’s lives outside of work if they truly want them to be productive inside of work.
Technology usage
All businesses need to take full advantage of the technology if they don’t want to miss out. These days, there are so many different tools available to employers: for example, biometric scanners or web based time and attendance platforms; benefit enrolment forms that are all now completed online, and a new hire on boarding process that can be completed online the second an employee accepts an offer. If a business takes full advantages of all of these, it will not only help everything run smoothly but it will relieve teams of the burdens of those tedious and time-consuming jobs. You can find good quality technology for businesses from suppliers such as CIPHR – particularly HR and Payroll software – accounting software, and general pieces of software such as Skype or Google Drive to keep your office running smoothly too.
Taking these four steps will help you on your way to becoming a modern workplace. Adaptability is key; keeping up with current trends, technology and legislation will ensure you retain talent and grow your business.
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