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Would you rather have one Lamborghini or three Ford Fiestas? It’s all about quality over quantity; a well known concept that can often be overlooked in sales and marketing. Here, Howard Williams from Parker Software explains why it is better to have a database of 100 high-quality leads, rather than thousands of dead ends, and how imminent changes to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will help you achieve this clarity.
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Up until now, you might have thought that your product was the driving force behind getting a shopper to part with their cash – after all, isn’t that why you’ve spent months (if not years) developing it to perfection. You would be wrong, though. If you’re reading this then you’ve probably already realised that whatever medium or vessel you’re using to contain your products is a much, much bigger deal.
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Starting a business is one of the most important decisions of a business owner’s life. Therefore, you want to think about it carefully and consider whether you want to run the business by yourself and the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. You may also want to consider going into partnership, however you should make sure that you make a decision that you feel confident and happy with.
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“Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves” — advice often given to people looking to grow financially and develop financial security. Being financially prepared is the cornerstone of developing a successful and profitable business, and should be a core priority from the moment you begin developing your business strategy and remain at the heart of your operation throughout your business’ growth.

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Finding the right office can be exciting but it is also sometimes a daunting experience. You will need to find the right office space for your small business, whether you are expanding your current business or starting a brand new one. It’s essential to have a tick list to make sure that you are covering all bases in order to find the right office.
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Running and owning a spa business can be a really rewarding job as it allows you to help your clients relax. The main purpose of a spa is to provide services and treatments that allow the clients to completely unwind and relax, which enables them to look after their mental health and wellbeing, as well as their body. You should really consider starting a spa business if you are a fully trained beauty therapist with experience, as well as having entrepreneurial skills.
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Being a vegan means that you only eat plant based food. It’s a lifestyle that people choose to be healthier, as well as being environmentally and animal friendly. Some of the major cities around the world are fully embracing veganism and these include LA, Berlin and New York. The vegan business is booming in those cities, and London is following suit.
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When running a small business, it’s impossible to avoid stress completely, however there are certain things you can do to reduce stress and the effects of it. Constantly dealing with stress can have serious negative impact on your mental and physical health. You really need to be proactive in reducing stress causing factors in your everyday life.
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The Brexit negotiations are underway and the movement of EU citizen’s is at the forefront of the debate amongst British businesses. Access to EU workers for many of the UK’s small businesses is critical. George Ide Solicitors explain what UK businesses think of the ‘settled status’ offer proposed by Theresa May.
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Communicating with customers, suppliers and partners is essential for any business.  So, take the time to ensure you have the right solution for your business at the right price, without any nasty surprises.
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Starting a business is possibly one of the biggest challenges you will ever face in your life. It is a difficult task and the difficulty increases if you struggle to ask for help. You may feel you are not able to ask help from those around you because you are the boss, and you are expected to have all the answers. However you can get advice and help elsewhere, as there are experienced individuals who are willing support and guide business owners on their entrepreneurial journey.
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If you are the owner of an SME or are responsible for the cyber security of one, you might never have heard of Managed Detection and Response services (MDR). However, that is something that needs to change quickly. MDR services can be extremely valuable to SMEs and overlooking them will likely not only cost you money but will also make you more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
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When it comes to promoting your start up sometimes the smallest methods can have the biggest impacts on the success of your business. Most methods don’t require a lot of budget however you should invest some time to make sure you see the maximum benefit. You need to make sure you spend some time understanding your market and industry so you know what will work best for your brand!
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Brand equity is the perception that consumers have of a brand. It’s the value of the product from a brand that is generated either through positive or negative perception from the customer. Strong brand equity allows a business to charge a premium price for a product and it still be popular and successful.
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So, what’s the deal with mobile card readers? Technology really is coming on in leaps and bounds these days. Everyday there’s something new on the market to make our lives that little bit easier. This one is something special though. Anyone who has a business that takes payments will know how integral a seamless transaction is and now it can be – Says Joanna Beinko from Mobile Terminals.
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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the new regulation introduced by the European Union which will be effective as of May 2018. The idea behind the new regulation is to give the public control of their data, as well as encouraging businesses to be more proactive in protecting and handling data in a more secure way. Although, the date of the regulation going into effect is fast approaching; businesses are not prepared.
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Starting a small business can be a challenge, and finding the finances to fund your business is perhaps the most challenging part of it. You may struggle to attract investors, whether these are Angel investors or banks. However, if you follow certain steps it will help you attract the appropriate investor for your small business idea.
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In a study carried out by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) it was found that a staggering £7 billion is being wasted by small and medium-sized businesses which have been overpaying on their gas and electricity bills. And yet, this massive overspend could easily be avoided – says Nolan Braterman from Frontier Utility.
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Whether you want to start from scratch and build a blog with the sole purpose of making a small business out of it, or you already have an established blog that you want to make money from, there are plenty of business opportunities for bloggers. You can start off just being a blogger, but the moment you start making money from it, you become an entrepreneur – a small business owner.
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Starting a business can be a daunting experience, however you don’t have to go at it alone. You can opt for a partner, or partners, that will share with you the pressures and profits that come with running a business. Being a sole business owner can be stressful and you may find you are consistently overworking, which could have a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Having a partner means being able to share the work load and working together to make the business a success.
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