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When opting for the self-employment route and starting up your own business, the chances are that the tax aspect won’t come naturally. You may be asking yourself some questions: how do I pay my tax without an employer taking it from my wage? Or is there any way I am able to make savings on my tax return?

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Cycling to work is on the rise, but many office workers still feel discouraged from the active commute by poor office facilities. A survey by the British Council for Offices found that 40% of office workers would commute by bike if their workspace offered better facilities. Here are a few ways to kick start active commuting.

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For small business owners wanting to raise funds, one of the biggest barriers is having the right tools to support their pitch. There are lots of different opinions on what makes a good deck, much of it misguided and rooted in opinion rather than data.
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Dealing with bereavement in the workplace can be difficult; when you’re experiencing such high emotions, the office can be the last place you want to be. At any time, one in 10 people in the UK is likely to be affected by a bereavement. It’s important that employees receive the help and support they need to get through this challenging time.
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Generally, after Christmas, consumers cut back on spending meaning businesses do too. With little business activity, the economy becomes sluggish and businesses find it difficult to get things going again.

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Running and maintaining a successful business is incredibly hard work. It doesn’t matter how big or successful you are, a start-up, a big hitter or even if you are dominating the marketplace, things can go wrong at any time. The business plan just might not be right for the market or an unexpected cost could set back your cash flow.
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The holiday season brings out a celebratory feeling in all of us–even the neighbourhood Scrooge has that twinkle of glee in his eyes. This jovial time permeates everything around us, including the workplace. So, why not take advantage of the goodwill and throw an amazing company holiday party?

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For those who don’t know, mobile optimisation is the process of designing and adapting any website online to ensure that it works well on the mobile platform. There are a lot of different things that you can do to ensure that your website is fully mobile optimised, enabling the user to have the same experience as your online shop as the desktop user.

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As an entrepreneur, you shouldn’t start your business without considering the prime location options. Some destinations may be more beneficial for businesses than others, and you should take this into account before settling on any place. The UK is widely known to be a business hub, in particular, London – a city that’s regarded as a world leader in business and finance.

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Millennial employees in your workforce are individuals who were born between 1980 and 2000. Unlike the Baby Boomers and the Gen-Xers, this youthful generation has developed unique work characteristics such as adoring parents, contact with diverse people, and structured lives. They work well with diverse co-workers, are used to working in teams, want to make friends with people at work, and have a can-do attitude. They seek leadership from their managerial staff but expect their ideas to be valued and used.

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Hiring a freelancer for your small business can be a great alternative to hiring an employee. If your business is expanding and growing you may require additional help, hiring a freelancer can be the solution to your need. Some benefits of hiring freelancers include that you don’t have to offer them employee benefits such as a holiday or sick pay, that they will usually be highly experienced in their field, and if you are not impressed by them you don’t have to work with them past their contract. This will mean that you are more in control with who you work with, as well as saving yourself money over time.

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Here are the main small business tax rates and allowances for the tax year of 2019/20.
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Your company depends on your employees being able to perform at a high level. When you facilitate this process, you are critically serving your company’s business goals. In turn, your employees also get more out of working for your company, because you are a forward-thinking business owner, and ultimately this means that your employees will be happier.
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Office designs are becoming one of the major sources in increasing workplace productivity. Employee-friendly workplace furniture promotes easiness and allows employees to work more productively. Today, more and more people are choosing to work in a place which has more productive furniture set up for their employees.
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Useful and actionable advice is priceless, especially when it comes to your small business. If you feel like you bit off a little more than you could chew, consider finding a mentor to help you overcome obstacles.

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The hard truth? Most mobile apps get deleted just six days after they’re last used. With so many applications on the market, you need a way to capture users’ interest. You need to keep them coming back. If they encounter app issues or find your user interface (UI) frustrating, they won’t wait for a fix.

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Every business owner knows just how exciting starting a business or scaling up can be, but that’s not to say it doesn’t come with its own challenges. Increasing ROI and tax-efficiency are usually at the top of every small business owner’s agenda, and putting procedures in place so that you can enhance cash-flow through becoming tax-efficient doesn’t have to be hard. London based accountancy firm, 3 Wise Bears have put together five tax reliefs and tax incentives that every small business should know about, and how they can apply for them.
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There’s been a general view over the last few years that email marketing has had its day. Newer digital forms seem to make marketing easier, while the various problems associated with spam filters can make email feel like a lot of effort for not much gain. And it can be that way – but it needn’t be. If used correctly, email marketing is 40% more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined according to McKinsey.
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Remote working has become the latest trend in employment. It has become so popular due to the multiple benefits it offers for both the individual and the business. Working from home may be a dream for many individuals so offering this option to your employees can be incredibly valuable for the company too.  From previous statistics gathered by the Office of National Statistics, it was predicted that half of the UK forces would be working remotely by 2020. This number is huge and 2020 is fast approaching. Therefore, small businesses should look into allowing their staff to work remotely as soon as possible.

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If you have made the decision to go for the easier and more beneficial way of accounting then you have come to the right place. The next step is ensuring that you pick the right kind of accounting software for you, your business and your staff. There are several different factors you need to take into consideration to choose the best accountancy software to meet your small business needs.

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