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One unfortunate truth of being in business is that you might at some point get sued or get into some legal trouble. While not every lawsuit will be legitimate, it’s important to know what to do when you do get sued so you are prepared.

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The share capital in a private limited company is the amount of money invested by its owners in exchange for shares of ownership. Company directors are typically shareholders in their own companies. Shareholders exercise certain powers over how the company is run.

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Project management is not as easy as you think. There are a lot of things you need to take care of. From planning to final submission, the list is endless. If you have to keep a record of every step you take in your project or to know what all steps are to be taken for the completion of the project, using a Gantt chart tool is the ultimate solution.

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Christmas sales are crucial in the success of a business and is the key period of the year that determines the overall profit margin for the year, so it is vital to implement a strong business and marketing plan for the festive season to make sure that your business will continue to grow and thrive into the New Year.

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Social media influencers are an increasingly prevalent force in the world of digital marketing. With influencers impacting buying decisions across a broad range of different industries, more and more brands are looking to build valuable partnerships with social personalities.

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Wired Magazine predicts that coding could become the next main blue-collar job which, if true, means that many small business owners will need increasing number of employees with programming skills in the near future.  The problem affecting all businesses is that, without action, the UK could fall well behind other parts of the world in training for the future.  This will affect our economy overall as well as our individual businesses.

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Strategic planning is a crucial process that often gets overlooked in small businesses, due to a lack of understanding about the process, and a lack of resources available to dedicate to planning. However, a strategic plan can be the difference between staying afloat and being a true success.

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As a business owner, you’re probably always on the lookout for easy ways to save some money, whether you’re looking to cut the cost of that lunch out or make some savings on your office electricity bill.

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Starting a company is a risky business. In the early stages, there is a significant chance of failure. One in five small businesses do not last beyond their first year.  Thirty per cent of small business fail in their second year, 50% fail after five years, and 70% fail in their tenth year in operation.

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Artificial Intelligence is changing many of the ways that you can conduct your business. Many of these improvements focus on task management and evolving data collection.

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You’ve gone through the hard work of setting up your business and have built up a list of clients you work with on a regular basis. It’s time to begin the effort of securing relationships and setting the stage for growing your business in the future.

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Companies that are at the forefront of development prioritise the continuing education of their employees because it not only increases their comparative advantage, but it also stresses a continuous system of growth. A company’s trajectory for growth is based on its foundation, which is its people.

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Doing business on an international scale has almost become the new norm. Today, it’s not only long-standing conglomerates that travel abroad to make business deals or sell products to other countries. Thanks to the internet, even the smallest businesses are obtaining international clients. Stay on top of this shift by learning a little about business etiquette around the world.

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Starting and running a successful luxury brand business can take multiple sources of funding. In his success story, Mathew Cule from CuleM Watches tells all about his inspiration and how he went about creating and running a luxury brand.
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Reader’s question: I’m wanting to open a bar and would be seeking investment from two parties, after the initial investment they won’t have any further involvement, from this I gathered the best way to structure the business would be as a Private Limited Company. My problem is that I am not in a position to contribute financially so would be seeking 100% of the required capital to establish it, which would, therefore, mean they own 100% of the business. Is it possible for me to retain any sort of ownership or portion of shares through a prior agreement?

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With the evolution of financial technology, international money transfers are now easier, faster, and more secure. One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is that these international transfers still come at a steep price.

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While many considerations are given to physical safety in the workplace, it is only recently that the focus has turned to mental health and the significant impact it can have on the workforce’s ability to conduct its duties effectively. Issues around mental health in the UK cost businesses £35 billion per year, and cultural issues around ‘presenteeism’ are seeing workers fail to admit to mental health issues, resulting in poor health and reduced productivity.

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Showing your employees how much they mean to the company should not be expressed only through promotions and paychecks. To help them understand that they are a vital part of your business and that you plan on working with them in the long run, you should implement some work culture strategies that will illustrate how much you care about their wellbeing as well.

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Businesses have enough to worry about; one of the major things being competition from outside sources, so fraud that takes place within a business can be viewed as an avoidable problem. Not only do employers have to be extremely vigilant to defend against external threats from their competitors, but they also must be constantly looking for indications that their employees may be stealing from the company from within for personal gain.
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Many social entrepreneurs are now starting businesses with the aim of making a profit and putting a percentage of that profit to good use, to ‘make a difference’.  An increasing number of businesses in the UK are taking this approach and are putting social impact at the heart of what they do.  It is also the case that many consumers want to buy from businesses which are making a contribution in the wider world.

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