Most working individuals at some point or another have thought about working for themselves instead of investing their time and effort in somebody else’s business. But the whole idea of setting up a business has been scary too, which is why you need to plan carefully enabling you to start small and steady.

Here’s a list of 19 small startup business ideas to give you an idea for potential businesses that can help you thrive, as given by Mary Hone, the co-founder of AssignmentEssayHelp. These businesses do not need external funding and associates. In fact, you can start any of these on your own right away.
Social media management
Social media managers create, establish, manage and market social media profiles. Hence every company and individual trying to be more visible may need their services. Management is all about knowledge and time and the only money involved in this (unless you run social advertising for them) is the money you earn.
Interior design
Someone somewhere is always planning their “dream house”. They are always putting in extra effort to get that perfect look and feel. And to achieve this sometimes they need advice and consultation. Who better than experts in interior design to help them? If this is your field of expertise, nothing should stop you from making it your business.
Who doesn’t like home-made bakery items, especially if they are custom-made? If baking is that one job you love doing, consider opening up a baking business. Set up an online display of delicacies from the comfort of your home, get baking and kick-start your business goals.
If you hold a good command over any subject or are great at music, sports or any other field, consider tutoring. It involves a lot of problem-solving capabilities and is a business that is always in need.
Online courses
Not only is tutoring in demand but so are online courses. By running online courses, you can earn good commission and royalties. These courses are usually watched and re-watched on learning platforms.
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate Marketing is a business idea that can make you extremely wealthy. You can earn money by promoting somebody else’s products/services on your own site. So if you are someone who has a stellar following, this is the ultimate business plan for you.
If you’re a coder and you love your job, you should definitely consider doing it for others. Investing your time in website and app development is a great money-making business, and you can take up many different projects depending on your skills. The success stories for development businesses are unimaginable.
Event coordinator
An Event Coordinator is a people person and a go-to for any event or celebration that you need organising. If you are someone with good communication and leadership skills, this could be a good fit for you. Setting up events and taking care of their execution is a perfect business idea for someone who is extremely organised.
If you have a flair for creating value driven and appealing content, there’s nothing stopping you from beginning this venture right away. Whether you have a written blog or a YouTube channel that features your vlogs, it can be a great way to start a business. As your subscriber numbers increase so will your ad clicks, therefore increasing your income.
Translators are often required but are difficult to source as they are so high in demand. If you’re fluent in different languages, you can earn a lot by translating scripts.
Editorial services
Editing, copywriting and proofreading is needed for almost every set-up. If you’re someone with skills in such services, consider providing them for money.
Travel planning
People nowadays love to explore and travel, but sometimes they don’t have the resources to execute their trip. You as a travel planner not only solve their issue but you can also help them save money. By charging a fee you can plan a dream holiday at a small cost to your clients by searching for the best deals for them.
Fashion designing
Fashion designers with a creative flair have taken over the market. Each and every designer is trying to stand out from the crowd and offer new and better designs. If you’ve got the right skills, fashion can be a very profitable field.
Professional photography
If you want to capture the world through your lens, make sure you demand a fee for doing so. Professional photography is very well acknowledged and also a highly paid business venture.
Sell on Etsy
You can have your own shop on Etsy that sells everything that you can do/create at an expert level. The best part? Your creations will be unique and you can decide the cost all by yourself. Therefore, if you are able to design and create products that are in demand, this can be a great way to make an income.
Food truck
Having a food truck is an easier and cheaper alternative to owning your dream cafe. Plus, it comes with the extra benefit of user attraction because of its mobility. If you’re passionate about food and think you can make it work, then a food truck business could be ideal for you. You need to make sure to carry out market research to ensure that you are targeting the best areas with the type of food that they want.
Customised jewellery
With people becoming more aware of trends and fashion, customisation is reaching new heights. After all who doesn’t love a pair of customised earrings or a customised necklace to rock at any occasion? If you have the right skills, this may be a good business idea for you.
Handmade gifts
Nobody gifts you the usual anymore. To make someone feel special, handmade gifts are rather valued. If you’re innovative enough to be able to create such gifts, you can earn all that you want by selling them.
Fitness instructors
Fitness regimes and instructors are in the market to make sure we take care of our health. Almost every individual is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fitness is thus a great business venture. Starting your business as a fitness instructor business in January is a good idea as it is a period when there is a high demand.
The business you’ve been putting off setting up demands positive action today. Get up and invest yourself in your kind of business, no matter what size it is, for everything now big was once small.
More on low-cost small business ideas and setting up a coffee shop business.
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